119.00 YER﷼ CBD Capsules Weidensdorf

Published date: 2025-02-28
  • Poloha: 7262, Weidensdorf, Indiana, Australia

Introducing JustCBD’s Full Spectrum CBD Gel Capsules with Melatonin, the ultimate solution for a relaxing and rejuvenating night’s rest! Each bottle contains 30 easy-to-swallow capsules, with 25mg of hemp-derived CBD and 3mg of melatonin in each capsule. These top-quality CBD capsules are specially formulated to help you unwind and enjoy a deep, restful sleep. Made from the finest hemp sourced in the United States; you can trust this product’s pure and sativa Weed high-quality nature. With their potent dose of CBD, these gel capsules are designed to enhance relaxation, boost comfort, support energy levels, and provide a convenient addition to your routine. Incorporating the power of hemp-derived CBD into your daily routine has never been easier with JustCBD’s

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